ELTurner Productions
Hi. I'm Erin & I Make Movies

Current Colorado Film School Student
Majoring in Post Production & Producing
B.A. from Washington State University in Music
Having grown up in mulitiple places around the US, I like to consider myself a Washington State Native. I am adopted so if you asked me where I am from Ethnically, I will most likely tell you 'I am Pacific Islander...and since I was adopted I don't know which Island but you can pick an island and I will say yes'.
I love music and hope that with my Post Production and Producing degrees, I will be able to combine that love with a love of film. Going into my 2nd year at the Colorado Film School has taught me a lot and I am excited for all the future opportunities ahead. Having worked on multiple student sets and running my own set has proven difficult but I have also made some of the best memories.
The ultimate goal for me is to make music and film come together in beautiful pieces that will move people.